Pillar Committee Membership


Early Learning and Childhood Development Committee Membership

Committee Co-Chairs:

Lisa Baker-Worthman
Assistant Deputy Minister, Early Learning and Child Development Division

Skye Taylor
Director of the Association of Early Childhood Educators, Newfoundland and Labrador

Committee Members:

Jesse Bishop
Clerical Support, Early Learning and Child Development Division

Lori Chaulk
Dean of the College of the North Atlantic

Gordon Cleveland
Economist and Associate Professor

Valerie Collins
Family and Child Care Connections

Sheila Garrity
International Early Learning Academia

Karina Lamontagne
Direction Générale Centre petite enfance et famille Les P’tits Cerfs-Volants

Christine McLean
Minister’s Advisory Committee Member

Tove Mogstad Slinde
Senior Adviser in the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research

Leanne Morrissey
K-3 School Principal

Tracy Rose
Child Care Licensee/Early Childhood Educator

Brenda Sheppard
Executive Director Family Resource Centre Representative

Jennifer Smith
Early Childhood Educator

Christie Warren
Program and Policy Development Specialist, Early Learning and Child Development Division


Education Engagement and Transformation Committee Membership

Committee Co-Chairs:

Dr. Greg O’Leary
Deputy Minister, Education Engagement and Transformation Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Yvonne Barry
Program Development Specialist, Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Committee Members:

Ashley Abbott
Marketing Analyst Coordinator, Nasdaq Verafin

Paul Adjei
Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, Memorial University

Tonya Barron
Program and Policy Development Specialist Early Learning and Child Development Division, Department of Education

Sheldon Barry
Provincial Lead, Multiculturalism, K-12 Programs, Department of Education

Maria Delahunty O’Brien
Assistant Principal, NL Schools

Christine Elliott
Program Implementation Specialist, NL Schools

Patricia Emberley
Program Development Specialist, Department of Education

Leo Etchegary
Director of Language Services Association for New Canadians

Elaina Fennell
Program Implementation Specialist, NL Schools

Stephanie Gillis
Assistant Principal, NL Schools

Patricia Greene
Directrice des services éducatifs, Conseil scolaire francophone provincial

Michael Hayley
Principal, NL Schools

Fiona Higdon
Manager of Assessment and Evaluation, Department of Education

Marion Isaacs
Building Manager Department of Transportation and Infrastructure

Michael Long
Dean of Applied Research and Innovation College of the North Atlantic

Karen Mulrooney
Teacher Registrar Office of Teacher Certification Department of Education

Dave Penney
Principal, NL Schools

Lori Penney
Program Development Specialist, Department of Education Student Services Programs and Services Division

Stephen Perchard
Director of Schools, NL Schools

Susan Perry
Director of Schools, NL Schools

Sherra-Lee Robinson
Program Implementation Specialist, Indigenous Education, NL Schools

Charmayne Rumbolt
Principal, NL Schools

Laun Shoemaker
Teacher, NL Schools

Jeanne Sinclair
Professor, Faculty of Education, Memorial University

Lorina Spurrell
Director of Schools, NL Schools

Trevor Taylor
Administrator, NL Schools; Co-chair The Gender and Sexual Diversity Special Interest Council (GSDSIC)

Stephanie Tuff
Executive Director, NLTA

Roger Targett
Program Development Specialist Indigenous Education, NL Schools

Keith Power
Apprenticeship Program Officer, Apprenticeship and Trades Certification

Todd Woodland
Manager of Curriculum, Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador


Health and Well-Being in Education Environments Committee Membership

Committee Co-Chairs:

Dr. Scott Linehan
Assistant Deputy Minister, K-12 Education, Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Lynn Taylor
Special Advisor, Health Transformation, Executive Council, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Committee Members:

Gina Ash
Senior Director, Provincial Public Health, Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services

Dr. Kellie Baker
K-12 Education and Early Childhood Development, Program and Services Division, Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Jennifer Crowe
Executive Director, Choices for Youth

Alison Elliott
Safe and Inclusive Programs Itinerant, NL Schools

Trevor Finlay
Principal, Corner Brook Regional High School

Dr. Janice Fitzgerald
Chief Medical Officer of Health, Department of Health and Community Services, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Jason Geary
Manager, Accessibility Services (Blundon Centre), Student Life, Memorial University, St. John’s Campus

Aisling Gogan
Assistant Deputy Minister, Social Well-being, Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Dr. Denise King
Manager, Student Services, Department of Education, Government and Newfoundland and Labrador

Mary Linehan
Instructor, College of the North Atlantic

Rhonda McKinnon
Retired Comprehensive School Health Program Specialist

Andrea Pearce
Seniors Policy, Planning and Research Analyst, Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Dr. Carolyn Stacey
Principal, Macdonald Drive Junior High

Jennifer Tucker
Student Support Services, Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Gregory Woolgar
Retired Safe and Inclusive Schools Program Itinerant


Post-Secondary Education and Learning Across the Life Span Committee Membership

Committee Co-Chairs:

Tanya Noseworthy
Committee Co-Chair, Assistant Deputy Minister, Post-Secondary Education, Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Shirley Woodward
Committee Co-Chair, College of the North Atlantic, Associate Vice President Campus Operations (Interim)

Dr. Donna Hardy-Cox
Committee Co-Chair, Memorial University, Full Professor, School of Social Work, Cross Appointment Faculty of Education, Associate Vice-President (Academic), Dean of Students (Currently on research leave)

Committee Members:

Edie Dunphy
Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, Education and Advocacy Director

Steve Snow
Discovery Centre, Founder

Craig Tucker
Keyin College, Owner/President

Mark Bradbury
College of the North Atlantic, Chair, Board of Governors

Ashley Nguyen
College of the North Atlantic, Director, Work Integrated Learning Connections

Richard Spencer
College of the North Atlantic, Instructional Lead – Technology Career Pathway Program

Dr. Christine Arnold
Memorial University, Faculty of Education, Interim Associate Vice-President (Academic) and Dean of Students and Associate Professor, Adult Education/Post-Secondary Studies

Ron Taylor
Connections for Seniors, Director of Strategy

Alison Randell
Memorial University, Chief Information Officer

Regan Power
Department of Education, Director of Literacy and Institutional Services Division, Superintendent of Private Training

Scott Blundon
Department of Education, K-12 Division, Program Development Specialist

NL Statistics Agency
Data Specialist – TBC

Leanne Lane
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Education, Literacy and Institutional Services Division, Senior Program and Policy Development Specialist