
The Accord aims to create better outcomes for students and learners while also supporting the Provincial Government’s goal of becoming one of Canada’s healthiest provinces by 2031.

Education Accord NL will focus on four pillars:

  • Early learning and childhood development;

  • Education engagement and transformation;

  • Health and well-being in education environments; and,

  • Post-secondary education and learning across the life span.

Early Learning and Childhood Development


Lisa Baker Worthman 
Assistant Deputy Minister Early Learning, Early Learning and Child Development Division
Department of Education

Skye Taylor
Executive Director, Association of Early Childhood Educators - NL


By 2034, all families will have access to a high-quality, affordable, flexible and inclusive earlylearning and childcare system that is publicly managed, planned and funded. From the prenatalstage to transitioning into the K-12 system, children will be nurtured in responsive environmentsthat include families, community partners and qualified early learning professionals who feelrecognized, valued and empowered to support children’s healthy development and well-being.Children will thrive and reach their full potential and celebrate their unique developmental,cultural, and linguistic ways of being.

Education Engagement and Transformation


Dr. Greg O’Leary
Deputy Minister, Education Transformation
Department of Education

Yvonne Barry
Program Development Specialist, Education Transformation, Curriculum Innovation
Department of Education


To cultivate a culturally responsive K-12 education system, rooted in equity and diversity, in which all learners are empowered and engaged. We envision an adaptive and inclusive education system defined by continuous innovation where each student confidently chooses their path to success, shaping a society where their overall well-being is supported, they know their worth and they are able to make meaningful contributions to our province’s future and its place in the world.

Health and Well-being in Education Environments


Dr. Scott Linehan
Assistant Deputy Minister, K-12
Department of Education

Lynn Taylor
Special Advisor, Health Transformation
Executive Council


By 2034, lifelong learning environments will nurture the health and well-being of learners, educators, administrators, staff, families, and communities and take a student-centred approach to fostering safe and inclusive spaces to learn and grow so individuals may thrive physically, mentally, and socially, creating ripple effects of positive change throughout society.

Post-Secondary Education and Learning Across the Life Span


Tanya Noseworthy
Assistant Deputy Minister, Post-Secondary Education, Department of Education

Dr. Donna Hardy-Cox
Associate Vice President Academic and Dean of Students, Professor of Social Work and Education
Memorial University

Shirley Woodward
Vice President, Academic and Applied Research (Interim)
College of the North Atlantic


An accessible, inclusive, and responsive learning ecosystem that:

  • breaks down barriers to literacy, and creates a world where every adult, regardless of their background or circumstances has the opportunity to acquire and improve their literacy skills;


  • emboldens lifelong learning, critical thinking, and innovation and provides every student with the opportunity to pursue their academic and professional aspirations.

A modern system that empowers individuals, improves their economic prospects, enhances their health and well-being, and enables them to fully participate in society.